Tuesday, October 8, 2013

When the world gets in your way...

Accoustic #3 is a hauntingly, beautiful song by the Goo Goo Dolls that makes me think about how sad it is that we so often allow the world, our inexperience and our fears to lead and tether us to a lonely and oppressive place that we obligingly call home.  I bet that makes you want to run right out and download the song...my apologies to the Dolls.   Although, there are many prolific lines in the song there is one that has echoed in my head since I first heard it in the late 90's. The line is "when the world gets in your way." It does get in our way sometimes and we often blame ourselves or others for the decisions that we have made that enable it to do so.

INKS has been silent for a long time because I have been working hard on peeling back the layers of oppression, clearing away the cobwebs and the sorrow (another great line from a song sung by a little redhead named Annie) and freeing myself from the chains of a place that I obligingly called home. Fear is a horrible thing, causing others pain is a heavy burden and letting go and beginning anew requires as much mental strength as running a marathon or climbing a mountain. But it is in our struggles that we find faith, in faith that we find gratitude, in gratitude that we find freedom and in freedom that we find happiness. INKS is back and better than ever!

Accoustic #3 lyrics 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sure glad your blog is back and the world is getting out of your way